J15 Kharādiyā Jātaka



绘图/ 林季璟、袁美真
设计/ 王宗使
英复述/ 林季璟
中译/ 孙慧玲
审稿/ 陈语

The Disobedient Deer

Jātaka 15: Kharādiyā Jātaka
A deer which would not come to be taught the tricks of deer, is caught in a trap.

Readability level: Beginner
Illustrated by Lim Chee Chin, Yan Mee Chen
Designed by Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Lim Chee Chin
Proofread by Shernyn Tay, Chan Zhi Hong

It was once at Jetavana that the Buddha told this story about a disobedient bhikkhu who would not listen to advice.

“Is it true that you are disobedient and will not listen to advice?” asked the Buddha.

“It is true, Blessed One.” answered the disobedient bhikkhu.

“In the past, you were also disobedient and would not follow the instructions from the wise ones.

So, you were caught in a trap and was killed by a hunter.” said the Buddha.

The Buddha then told the story of the past.


Once upon a time in Bārāṇasī, the Bodhisatta was born as a deer and lived in the forest as the leader of a herd of deer.

One day, his sister, Kharādiyā, brought her son to him.

“Brother, this is your nephew. Please teach him the wisdom of being a deer, the tricks of survival[1],” said Kharādiyā.

The Bodhisatta agreed and so, she placed her son under the Bodhisatta’s care.

The Bodhisatta said to his nephew, “Come to me at the time I set and I will give you lessons.”


However, the nephew did not come at the agreed time.

Why didn’t my nephew come?wondered the Bodhisatta.

“我们去玩吧!” 甥儿的一个朋友对他说, “好哇……” 小鹿欢呼起来。
“Let’s go and play”, said his friend to the nephew deer. “Hurray…” the nephew deer cheered.

For the next seven days, he skipped his seven lessons and failed to learn the survival tricks of a deer.

Why didn’t my nephew come again?thought the Bodhisatta again.

有一天,这不受教的鹿在外游荡,终于落入了陷阱。“救命! 救命!救命啊!”他大叫。
One day, as the disobedient deer was wandering about, he was caught in a trap. “Help! Help! Help!” he cried.

His mother came to the Bodhisatta and said, “Brother, didn’t your nephew learn the survival skills of a deer?”

“不要再想你那不可授教的孩子了,他没学到鹿的自救术。” 菩萨回答道。
“Don’t even think about your disobedient son. He has failed to learn the survival tricks of a deer.” The Bodhisatta replied.


Now that he was about to be killed, it was too late to teach him. The Bodhisatta then continued,

For when a deer has twice four hooves to run,
And branching antlers armed with countless sharp points,
He had wasted seven opportunities to save himself,
How could one who is unteachable get admonishment?”

The hunter killed the disobedient deer caught in his trap and then he left, taking its meat with him.


Then the Buddha said:“Not only now, bhikkhu, but in the past too, you were disobedient.”

The Dhamma lesson ended and the Teacher connected the previous birth with the present as follows: “At that time, this disobedient bhikkhu was the nephew of the leader of the deer, Uppalavaṇṇā was the deer sister of the leader of the deer, and I myself was the leader of the deer who gave the admonition.”


词汇表 Glossary

阿罗汉(Arahat):值得尊敬的人(堪受诸人与天人尊敬供养);他的心已没有种种污秽(lobha 贪, dosa 嗔, moha 痴之烦恼);断除了一切欲望的束缚;因而在那一生之后,不会再有下一世的投生(解脱生死不受后有)。
Arahat: an Arahat is a worthy one, whose mind is free from all defilements [greed (lobha), hatred (dosa), delusion (moha)], who is free from the bonds of desire, thus not destined for any further rebirth, after that very life.

Bhikkhu: a Buddhist monk; who ordains and lives according to Dhamma (Sutta, Abhidhamma) and Vinaya.

Bodhisatta: is the Buddha-to-be, prophesized by another Buddha.

莲花色比丘尼(Uppalavaṇṇā):著名的比丘尼(佛教尼师);佛陀两位上首女弟子之一。她非常美丽,曾受到整个印度的名门贵族、富豪及王子们的求婚,但她的父亲建议她出家,她欣然同意。 一天,当她在祇陀林(Jetavana)的诵戒堂扫地时,专注于一盏灯火,从火遍修习到禅那(jhāna),并证得阿罗汉(arahat)。在众多比丘尼中,她神通第一。
Uppalavaṇṇā: an eminent bhikkhunī (a buddhist nun); one of the two chief female disciples of the Buddha. She was extremely beautiful and had been sought by all the worthy families, rich men and Princes of the whole of the Jambudīpa, but her father suggested that she ordain, and she readily agreed. One day, while she was sweeping the Ordination Hall in Jetavana, she concentrated on the flame of a lamp as a fire-kasina, attained jhāna, and became an arahat. She was foremost among bhikkhunīs in extraordinary powers.



1. 听完这个故事,你有什么看法?(分享你的感受或意见)

2. 你从这个故事中学到了什么?

3. 从他的过去世到今生,不愿受教的鹿所表现出业的模式*是什么?







Teacher’s Guide

Some questions to guide the students for reflection:

1. What is your opinion after listening to this story? (share your feeling or opinion)

2. What have you learned from this story?

3. What is the kammic pattern* shown by the disobedient deer, from past to present life?

* kammic pattern: a person’s way of thinking, speaking and action, and how they react in relation to the world and relationships around them. This pattern can follow you to different life times, unless you decide to learn from them and better yourself.


Out of loving-kindness, the deer king accepted the student and arranged for lessons. However, little deer skipped the classes and did not learn, and was eventually killed due to lacking in survival skills. The deer king could always maintain equanimity (letting go).

All beings must awaken in time, and don’t wait until there’s no way to go after waking up from the long dream of ignorance.

It is very valuable for one to get admonitions from a wise teacher and know how to cherish the teachings. This ‘knowing’ encompasses boundless wisdom and virtue.

It is a unique opportunity to meet the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, as well as having good guidance and friends. It leads one to discover his or her bad habits in the past and rectify them without repeating them. If we encounter good guidance in this life and realise our current bad habits and those in the past, would we be grateful of the discoveries and rectify them?


省思 Reflection




The wise sincerely works on the causes,
but the fools regret and fear upon the bad results.

When sufferings have not arisen, many beings indulge in sensual pleasures and are easily misled by perceptions. Even if the best and most experienced teacher (the deer king) is right in front of us, we do not take the initiative nor are we keen to learn.

When we are ready to learn, the opportunity to learn from the teacher is missed (the deer has lost its life). It is often said, "prepare for rainy days"... If there is no rain, would we want to prepare an umbrella in advance?

[1]六招装死,蒙骗敌人的逃生技能。Six survival tricks to play dead to deceive his enemy.
